Math in China

This blog is part of my project of a study of Math in China. I have been awarded a grant by a wonderful organization that do care about teachers. Fund for Teachers. An exploration of Chinese methodology in mathematics instruction is the title of my project. I will be attending a conference in Shanghai about Math Education, interviewing some teachers and also sitting in on classes. All that in China... so, a great experience.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Bruckner bar.

I’m in bar, Jenny is here. Jenny is the AP!! (Assistent Principal). She is just sitting next to me in a sofa. Everybody told me that you don’t want contact with the Principal and maybe a bit with the AP… this Banana Kelly I’m (my High School) is really different. I like it. I’m so happy to be a member of that group of teachers.

We are now like ten people in that bar called Bucker the grill bar or something like that.

At the beginning we all were here, all the staff except the P and the AP. 20 people mostly young people not older thant 35 the majority. When I saw them arriving I was so surprised, amazed…. Joshua the Principal is now going to play pool… it seems that every Friday afternoon all of them come to that bar to have a drink, to talk and just to have a bit of fun after the working week.

They really make me feel so welcome.

Joshua is drinking directly from the jar of beer….. playing pool.

Some others are outside of the bar, drinking beer, on the street!!! That is illegal, not allowed, not supposed …. But that is the Bronx…

I’ve been told today that my student my eleven graders are a bit difficult. That in the US terms means really difficult… I know it, I just spent a month here but I know that they are always so polite… they don’t say the things exactly as they are… they don’t want to be offensive. They really care about the words they use…. So in a way you have to interpret them.

I talked to Giulio a guy from California. He is really funny, likes jokes quite a lot. He invited to go to a kind of barbacue tomorrow. Tomorrow is Saturday, I will go to the HS to set up my class, so much work needs to be done there. After that, in the afternoon I’ll go to that barbacue…. He just came to me saying about going there after a nice talk we had. I do feel welcome here, that is really important when you are foreing. I feel I’m not alone in front of the danger.

Karl also one guy from has been really helpful also, he explained me some things about the planning some strategies for the homework he uses. We’ve been talking today here and when he knew I was going to the HS tomorrow he also offered himself to help me. I do know is not just a saying.

Now we are online, connected to internet… we were given a laptop each. The school received a grant so all the teachers have a laptop a iBook G4 to work with it. We will use a software called PowerGrade and Powerschool to grade our students to take attendence and so on...

In ten fifteen minutes I will live to a kind of party that some austrian girls are having, a warming up party of their apartment.
I won't go to sleep to late because is going to be another long day.

Andy, Amanda and a former teacher are here sorrounding me many of us with our brand new computers... checking our email or downloading the software we were required.

Monday is the D day, the day we begin. I'm looking forward for it.